Your passion will define your limit…… Strive for moreBOOKSReading makes man perfect.
There is nothing like the habit of reading.
Reading fills new life.
A storehouse of information, A world of knowledge,
Make invaluable friends in books.
Explore new areas of interest.
Gift yourself the art of reading and see yourself growing into a more confident person.
Enrich your mind.
Take civilization forward.
Read- learn and spread knowledge.
Books to treasure, books to leisure.
Enjoy the company of everlasting friends Lali Mathew M.A. MEdBooks treasure world’s wisdom DA - 564Books open window to the world Sheeshmahal ApartmentBe a book alcoholic without being addicted Shalimar Bagh Delhi 88Remember great minds are waiting. 27492907 9810312549Never failing pals
It keeps you and absorbed and amused.
When you are gloomy or lonely, you best friend is a book
Don’t judge a book by its cover – read it.
Books thrill, educate, inform, enlighten and entertain.
They laugh with us and console us
They help us meet great minds of the world and learn lofty lessons
You will feel never lonely in the company of books.
A child’s character is found by the books, which he or she reads.
One can get a first class education from a shelf of books, five ft. away
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.
Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and few to be chewed and digested.
Each time we read a seed is sown for the future.
This would be a dead world without books.
A book is like a garden carried in the pocket
2CLEANLINESS DRIVEHelp us to look it green
Cleanliness is next to godliness
Clean environment – Healthy living
Say death to dirt and dust.
Have you ever thought? Garbage breeds disease. You can avoid if you please.
Every tenth child in India as asthmatic.
A healthy body resists all disease.ELECTIONFlowers may fade, fragrance may die, forget you, How can I?….
Your ever trusted or dedicated and faithful friend.
Support me, to support yourself
People get the leader they choose….
Think before you vote.
Your vote is your right, your power, and your will.
You deserve nothing but the best leader. You can choose one by voting HEALTH AND EXERCISEGood health is key to prosperity
Healthy mind lives in healthy body
Take exercise regularly to make your body well built.
Health is really wealth
Don’t get away from the natures’ call.
Want to have a healthy life in today’s world of pollution then – Exercise today and everyday.
Once you decide, it is not difficult. Choice is yours.
See yourself turn into a healthier, livelier human being.
Physical fitness and strides in education go cheek by jowl
Only a healthy body carries a healthy mind
Regular exercise gives you everything but cost nothing. Lali Mathew M.A. MEdMake morning walk you habit. DA - 564 Avoid vehicle when you can walk the distance Sheeshmahal ApartmentHealth one gone cannot be gained. Shalimar Bagh, Delhi-88Don’t stagnate. Be Dynamic.
Be mobile. Be strong and sturdy
Regular exercise keeps you mentally and physically fit, Agile and smart, action oriented, Free from stress and tension, Blissfully, peaceful ana3 SMOKINGDo not smoke, save yourself and others.
Smoking saps your strength, stamina and energy and brings ruins and death.
Every cigarette cuts your life short by 5 minutes.
Do you want see your future go up in smoke?
Say no to cigarettes. The first time, every time.
Who says smoking is help?
Smoking kills more people per year than alcohol, cocaine heroin, suicides, homicides, fire, aids, combined together.
One out of two smokers dies 20 to 25 years. Every two minutes 3 people die because of smoking.
4,50,000 cases of Heart disease is caused by tobacco in a year.
Help yourself and your family to lead a smoke free life.EYE DONATIONBring light in the life of others
Life is an invaluable asset
You can see the world long after you are no more
Eye donation – Bliss to the sightless
Your action now can help countless people later.
Act now. Create a wave of happiness around you.KINDNESS TO ANIMALSBe human – Be kind
Be kind to animals. They give us so much. They cannot speak. But they feel pain as much as we do. Show that you are a human and not a beast.
Remember animals are an integral part of our ecological cycle.
They add beauty and variety to our earth.
Animals – life’s main support
Need our care and sympathies.
Cruelty to animal is cruelty to humanity.
Animals are BOONS bestowed by God.
Animals mutely bless us when they get love and fodder.
Love them, feed them, and shelter them. Lali Mathew M.A. MEdWe need them more than they need us. DA - 564Save animas, save the earth Sheeshmahal ApartmentCome join our crusade against cruelty to animals. Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 88They cannot narrate their suffering 4They cannot express their pain
But they do feel
The earth belongs to them as much as it does to us.
They are God’s creatures too.
Do animals deserve cruelty?
The maker of man and animal is one. Prevent cruelty show humanity.
Help them survive on the earth. Since they are the most beautiful gifts of god to us.DRUGSEasy to get in difficult to get out
Drug addiction brings endless destruction
Say not ….to alcohol, drugs, tobacco and cigarettes
Let them not take your life away.
Think of the price you pay
Give yourself a new day
Take charge of your life today, think of your loved ones.
Do not give them tears for everyday. Lali Mathew M.A. MEdThrills but kills DA - 564Decide now who kills whom? Sheeshmahal ApartmentWe consume them, or they consume us? Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 88Free passport to hell not heaven
An appointment with early death
Ruins homes
Creates tombs
Say TA TA to drugs and bid them farewell. Otherwise they will toll your death knell.
Drug addiction brings endless misery and ruin.
Be firm now .It is now or never.
Break drugs before Drugs break you.
Drugs have killed millions of youth worldwide, ruin families and careers, health
Drugs turn promising youth into criminals
Drugs cause death and destruction
Shun drugs. For yourself. For your loved ones.
Easy to get started. Impossible to get off it.
Don’t get drawn to alcohol, it works as slow poison , destroys you and your loved ones.
Keep off hard drinks.
Alcohol addition damning affliction.
Drive carefully: Reach safely Speed thrills, it also kills
Someone is waiting for you
Lane driving: sane driving
Live and let others live.
I believe we are here on planet Earth to live, grow up and do what we can to make it a better place for all people to enjoy freedom. – Rosa ParksPOLLUTIONLet us not pollute the air we breathe
Wake up to a sparkling morning which is full of fresh air and cleanliness
Plant trees and see them growing.
World Environment day – 5 June
Citizens of Delhi, Do you care? If you see a polluting vehicle report immediately
Are your lungs functioning well? Check! You may be inhaling poison. Save yourself and others.
Keep the environment pollution free and stay healthy.
You can make a beginning towards a better end.
Preserve and survive, destroy and parish.
Pollution is a silent killer.
Pollution is more dangerous than atom bomb.
Atom Bombs kills suddenly, but pollution kills slowly and gradually.
This work can be a drop in an ocean. But without it the ocean will become a drop less
Why to blame the darkness, let us light the candle.
Until we stop harming all other living beings we are still savages.CHILD LABOURDon’t burn their future in smoke
Say no to crackers: Say no to child labour
Let there be light in their eyes not tears Lali Mathew M.A. MEdPrevent child labour DA - 564Let it not go waste Sheeshmahal ApartmentThey need books not brooms Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 88Child labour is a crime abolish it
Their faces are for smiling not for crying
Today’ child tomorrow’s future
Now it is in your hands
Children are the future of the nation.
Do not deprive of their childhooD No children are born as beggars. Do not encourage them.
When you strike a match, think of the hands, which made it.
If a man asks for fish, dot not give him, but tell him how to catch it.BOMBSAY NO TO PLASITICCarry a bag. Not a polybag.
Non biodegradable
Burning causes air pollution
Dumping polybags cause pollutes environment
Toxic chemicals cause lung cancer Lali Mathew M.A. MEdProtect the environment say healthy DA - 564 Use your household waste Sheeshmahal ApartmentAdopt 3 R’s - Reduce, Reuse Recycle Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 88Carry your own bags while going shopping
Avoid using disposable plastic and paper items.
Shop once for a complete weeks requirement.BLOOD DONATIONDon’t shed blood. Donate it
Blood saves lives. Whose life will you save today?
Your blood can save – An accident victim, A war casualty.
Blood donation – The greatest donation you can make. Come, donate health and save blood and save live…save humanity.
Man is neither Hindu nor Muslin, Asian nor African, White or Black, Capitalist nor communist.
All men are men first and last.
Beware of rumourmongers, communal priests, crafty politician or religious fanatics
Violence is not the solution. It is the clearest sign of our failures.
Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.
Those who live by the sword die by the sword. The swimmer often dies by swimming.
Violence is the sign of temporary weakness.
It is far easier to tart something than it is to finish.
Violence is the weapon of weak.
United we stand, divided to fall.
Communal Harmony is what we should always strive for. Create an environment of amity, unity and fraternity. Spread a message of love, peace and brotherhood.
India is one, and will remain one.
Communal disharmony is a disgrace. It breeds hatred, mistrust and divide people. Discarded it at all costs.
Unity in diversity is our age-old tradition. Let’s preserve it.
CORRUPTIONPower corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.Politics is the last resort of the scoundrels.
Corruption is the most infallible symptom of constitutional liberty.TERRORISM
Education dispels the darkness of ignorance.
Education is not a filling up of a pile, but the lighting of a fire.
Education is drawing out of best in a person.
Education make people easy to lead, but difficult to drive, easy to govern, but impossible to enslave.
Without education, a man is like a brute.
If you educate a boy, you are educating an individual; If you educate a girl child, you are educating a entire family.
A good education helps save for a brainy day.POPULATION EXPLOSIONEMPOWERMENT OF WOMENLet them be born and let them live.
Next to God. We are indebted to women, first for life and then for making it worth having.
Where women are worshipped, God lives there.
Success of every great man has a lady behind.
If you educate a boy, you are educating an individual, if you educate a girl child you are educating an entire society.
A mother who rocks the cradle rules the world.
Women can do everything. Men can do the rest.
You can’t change the world. You can only change yourself.
Women must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be taught how to protect her.
A mother is looked after the son; wife is looked after the husband looks after sister after by her brother. Nowhere women are free.
There is a woman at the beginning of all great things.
To be born a girl is an accident. To be a woman is an achievement
Mr. Lali Mathew. M.A. M.Ed D.A.564 27492907 98103125499INDIA’S GLORIOUS PAST AND GOLDEN FUTURE
No.1 in hydroelectricity, all minerals such as mica, coal, etc.
Gives 4,00,000 engineers, doctors, MBAs, IT experts to would.
Big posts in abroad countries occupied by Indians.
Here, we produce pin to plane.
No steam or gas ever drives anything until it is confined:
No Niagara is ever turned into light and power until it is tunneled.
No life ever grows great until it is focused, dedicated and disciplined."
"There is enough food in the world for everyone’s not for everyone’s greed". – M.K.Gandhi.
A high developed civilization, eg. Mohenjadaro
Ideas from ‘WHAT INDIA CAN….’
Recently, around 5 lakh children suffered from, this dreaded disease.
Ideas from "Life Line Express or Jeevan Rekha’ organized a mobile hospital in trains, provide calipers.
"Together we can and will eradicate polio from our world"
"Let them also run and play like you"
Reach for the sky because if you should happen to miss, you will still be among the stars.
Now, it has turned into a social evil.
Girls are treated as inferior like a commodity.
The world virtually has become the bottle of coke where there is so much pressure building inside. The tension inside the bottle may reach its critical point and explode anytime.
Dire need to rediscover lessons of ahimsa and peace talks.
Empowerment of United Nations.
The fruits of economic development, prosperity and education lie in the seeds of pacifism and co-operations.
Waging wears is playing ‘lose-lose game’.
Wars are the means of driving the would in the reverse gear.
Curse and impediment to social, etc. development of human culture.
Egs. The recent success of peace talks to resolve the conflict b/w ITCC & Sri Lanka.
Influence of TV and mass communication. Lali Mathew M.A. MEdBlindly following the western culture. DA - 564Not made in a hygienic condition. Sheesh Mahal ApartmentsProduced by all multinational companies. Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 88Negative Impacts:
Good Poisoning
War is a dangerous teacher & physical victory leads often to a moral defeat – Shri Aurobindo
War is the Science of destruction – Abbott
War is death’s feast
The military don’t start wars –.
In war whichever side may call itself the victor, there are no winners, but all are losers" Neville Chamberlain
Store house of knowledge
You will feel never lonely in the company of books
A child’s character is formed by the books, which he or she reads.
Reading makes man perfect.
One can get a first class education from a shelf of books five feet away.
A good book is the best of friends, the same today and for ever.
If some one is asking you to try drugs?
Providing them free to you?
SAY NO on emphatic NO
The first time and always.
Remember drugs are a dead end.
They lead to death and destruction
Even with all its frustration and failures
Problems can be worked out
Goals can be achieved
There are people who loves you----
Killing a girl child inside the womb a bad deed – worse sin
If son is love, Daughter is affection
Save girls. Respect women. Save social structure
Will you make it your headline?
If you are not against it you support it.
Let us ensure that we can change our world. Before the world changes forever.
Let nature’s exotic Fragrance fill your heart with freshness and beauty.
Nurture the nature --- the natural way.
Save the Hole world. Save OUR Zone layer. Save O UR sky. Protect the Ozone layer.
Say it now. Ruined health family life.
Energy saved in energy generated
A well lit home for everybody is our commitment.
Ensuring a bright future with renewable energy.
8 – 10 lakh person die every year due to tobacco related disease.
Every second one person die of--- One out of five smokers die 20 – 25 years. Mr. Lali Mathew. M.A. M.Ed4.5 lakhs cases of heart disease is caused by tobacco DA - 564There are 1.84 crore smokers in India. Sheeshmahal ApartmentOne out of ten cancer patients is smoker Shalimar Bagh,Delhi - 88Quit tobacco. Stop others from smoking in your presence.
Eye donation: Bliss to the sight less
Your action can help countless people
Act now, Create a wave of happiness around you.
Give the gift of life to some one. Mr. Lali Mathew. M.A. M.EdBe cool. Be a blood donor. DA – 564Give blood, Give life. Sheeshmahal Apartment
Every child is a star waiting to shine, waiting to rise. Let us give them their open sky, the zeal to reach high and the spirit of ‘never say die’. And one day, along with the whole world, we will be proud to look upon our rising stars"."I am hiding because I do not want to go to work today. But they are coming. They will drag me. Look here, they come." This a year Pyarvi, a child labourer who wants to play not work. (film. Child hood Now".
Your country needs you. India will go out of the 20 C. with more than half of the population Child Labourous. If something is not done. Now ONLY YOU CAN HELP.
When a child works a nation is shamed this or this. You can make a difference. It is a crime to employ children below 14 yrs in factories or as domestic servants. Help educate poor children. Present child labour.
"When the evening sun is selling Mr. Lali Mathew. M.A. M.EdAnd the breeze has left the sea DA - 564And of the others you are thinking Sheeshmahal ApartmentWill you sometime think of me?" Shalimar Bagh, Delhi - 88Hear the call of Childhood. 27492907 9810312549They need your love, your concern. If nothing else give them a smile. Or if you are the strong type EVEN A HUG---
Deprived, exploited and abandoned children need your love and concern.
Child labour is the worst form of child exploitation:
Do your bit to right this gigantic wrong
It is cruel. It is criminal
More than 18 million child labourers in India. They need play, Education etc…
When my mother died I was very young. And my father sold me while yet my tongue could scarcely cry "weep, weep! So your chimneys I sweep and in soot I sleep"(The Chimney Sweeper) William Blake
June 12, 2003 – has been chosen as World Day Against Child Labour.
Maximum – Sun- Saharan Africa where 41% of those aged 5 to 14 work
Asia – 60%
Children are God’s greatest gift. They are born to live and blossom
"What is done to children, they will to society" – Kart A Menninger13 14ACCIDENTSCT Shalimar Bagh,Delhi - 88OW 27492907 9810312549TOPWARENDR
Don’t compromise with safety. Wear helmet
Don’t mix drinking with driving
Be sane stick to your lane
Live and let live
Obey traffic rules
Traffic rules are to see you home
Obey traffic rules.
Traffic rules are to see you home safely
Home is your destination not a nursing home
Remember you may do everything right but others may not.
Conserve water. It is life
Nation faces worst ever water crisis – water table is sinking
Achieve water security
Harvest Water
Use less water
Store in ponds, tanks and aquifers
This summer let’s save water together
Did you know that:
The earth has only 3% water
We have 1% of fresh water; the remaining 2% is frozen in the form of mountain & glacier
2/3 of human body is water, for eg. 70% of your skin is water
One person should consume 2.82 lit. of water everyday.
You can survive a month without food but only 5-7 days without water.
------ has recently organized the much awaited programme
There were peels of laughter and shouting .
Chief guest in his lecture made an appeal to the general public for over whelming response
Principal thanked the chief guest for providing gracious presence on the occasion
It was a really a great show – a feather in the cap of this prestigious educational institute.
This widely acclaimed activity was applauded and considered a grant successful event.
Chief guest stressed the need for hard labour and give honest service to the nation. A nation can be progressive if her citizen are honest and honour the moral values"
Many students participated in it with zeal & zest
The hall was decorated with posters, charts---
Our special invitee was representatives from the press. The local dailies lauded our school for this noble efforts and appreciated to role of the staff and students in making this a grand success
The venture on the part of our school because other institutions to take similar steps
The objectives was to spread awareness about the importance of---
The chief guest and other guest of honour appreciated the efforts of the school for organizing such a fruitful activities in the school
The Participants were involved in a host of activities like
It was a very enriching and enlightening experience for all the participants.
Participants expressed their views eloquently and congestly
I am placing an order to your firm to supply the following items of ______for the office. The items must be as far as per specifications mentioned in the tender.
Being gives to understand that you are supplies of various --- items, we want to purchase. We should be pleased to received from you price list of these items and delivery conditions. Since we have not previously done any business with you, we should be pleased to have details of the items, and condition of your trade at your earliest convenience.
As per instructions received from manager, I wish to place an order for the supply of following items/ accessories to the---
Please keep in view that the materials should be of fine/ export quality.
In case of any item is found below standard, it will be returned at your cost.
These items should be delivered within ----- days
The reasonable cash discount may be deducted in the bill as we will make cash payment.
The payment will be made by cheque within 3 days of this supply of the ordered goods subject to the satisfaction.
We hope you will make arrangements for delivery of the items tallest by date & month
The payment will be made in cash after adjusting 15% trade discount as specified by you.
Further it must be understood that we reserve the right to reject any items that does not correspond with the sample submitted
I am sure packing of the items will be well taken care of and any responsibility of change caused during transportation shall rest with you.
I hope future repairs and maintenance of the pieces will also be provided by you promptly and satisfactorily.
Payment shall be made through a crossed cheque to your agent within a month of the submission of the bill.
Relevant warranty papers and a mechanic to fit the gadgets should be sent along with you.
Every 5th person in the world is an illiterate.
Every 4th person is a Woman.
Better to die for once for all, then to live in continuous terror.
Terrorism is like a termite eating up the society.
Hate the crime, not the criminal
21st May – Anti – Terrorism Day.
Observe your surroundings carefully
Remain vigilant
If you pot any suspicious or unclaimed object at a crowded public place, inform police immediately
If you are alert , you can avert a Bomb blast
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